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RE: Silver Bloggers Community refresh

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago


I'm setting up a footer snippet and want to add source for the footer here please?

Who is the clever soul who designed this one:


Tips on this welcome before I step on any toes, please?


Currently it is like this:

Published on the Silver Bloggers Community


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Any complaints, guidance or further info welcome :)

 2 years ago  

Hi @nickydee,
That would be our intrepid Silver Fish and you are welcome to use it and rehash it to suit.
No complaints, it's precise & to the point 😉

Great and thanks for letting me know.

Simple is good! I like simple these days :)

 2 years ago (edited) 

😬 - Hey there Nicky... if ever you really want/need to add source, please, just without any linking... to avoid the pings! :SmirkySmirk:

Copy that!

  • salutes