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RE: A funny story today.

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

Jolling was the name of the game and yes much fun was had. Those were the days my friend, to quote uncle Cliffy. Lead singer of the Staccato's were my neighbor and I had free entry to many clubs. Also made friends with the leaders of other bands such as Bengy of the Band of Gypsies and Larry of Larry John Page and the Visions. And a few others that I don't remember.

Great that you know the Vaal river and yes we have also been down there a lot. Was even trapped in a big flood there some years ago. We were downstream and they opened all of the sluice gates. It was a harrowing experience and I posted about it.

I caught this Carp at our spot at the Vaal river some years ago. Catch and release of course.

Political spin doctors will always be with us my friend and when it comes to power you can see that money talks. For where are all the hatred between the parties, before they have now amalgamated to suddenly work together. Skullduggery if you ask me and I can see hard times ahead as everyone wants to be in charge. Not to help the people, but to get the money.
So I can see a hard road ahead.



We visited Vereeniging and Parys regularly with family or family friends up/down the river had many years of swimming and fishing, now I would not put my toe in the water.

That sure is a nice sized catch you have there, I hear Hartebeespoort Dam have some amazing big fish growing there as well.

Much like the sea and rivers here, after a visit a full shower for dogs and ourselves I don't trust the condition of water in low laying areas in this country of late.

When I see results where people start being employed till then I trust none of them.

!LUV to all in the Cape.

 3 years ago  

We went to a spot that is just below the Barrage. Very deep and big pools there and a fisherman's paradise, I baited the deep with my canoe and the rowed my lines out. Those same pools turned into an ocean during the flood.
I never ate any of the fish that I caught in river because of the water quality.

Never fished Hartebeespoort as that dam often has all kinds of trouble with stuff flowing into it.

Oh yes, a shower is always a priority after the outings.

It's going to be a long wait before we see that Lady Joan. According to a newspaper article today, the municipalities had their budgets cut by 4% and 75% of their budgets go to salaries. So services to the public are really going to be very difficult.


River fishing most catch and release no matter the size of late, perhaps up close to mountain streams still clean enough, more edible.

All too busy being important and taking what is not theirs so no we will see no change, everywhere is a total mess.

 3 years ago  

I hear that the trout that they catch up in the mountain streams here are the best for a fish dish. That water is fresh and crystal clear. Champagne water they call it.

A sad situation my friend.

My brother enjoys trout fishing, normally also only catch and release. Water is in a terrible state!

 3 years ago  

Oh yes, one has to be very careful about water quality, as eating a contaminated fish can lead to serious conditions. So your brother is wise to catch and release.

Sad that the animals have to accept the shit we dish up for them being what we are!