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RE: How curious are you?

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

Idleness is the real culprit Hannes. Sitting alone at home every day other peoples lives become their own lives and it keeps their tongues busy. So at times they dream up false stories to tell their idle friends as it keeps them all happy and important. So we don't blame them and all that we do is to pray for them 🙏

Sure we gonna miss them and did I tell you that they even know our car. Whenever we come back they simply run to meet us.
But you know what I will say here.

Cheers and thanks.


You're such a good guy, Zac, I wouldn't stay as calm as you if someone tells lies about me, and prayers were be the least thing I would think of.

You'll have to buy a new car because one day you might drive by your old house and they will cry when you don't come home to them ... or they will all try to follow you, so you should drive very slow 😊

Maybe you like a !PIZZA fresh from the Oven 😋

 2 years ago  

Self control my friend and it's only words spoken by idle tongues, so I can't care about it. If I do, then I will be the same as them and I am not.

You know what? Marian said the same thing and she even said that I should get another color cap.
Imagine that 🤣

Cheers and thanks.

Yep, but I would need to tell them how stupid they are to tell lies although they know they are wrong.

Maybe the squirrels could sleep in your new neighbours garden and come for visits and food during the daytime 😉

Maybe you like a !PIZZA fresh from the Oven 😋

 2 years ago  

Oh Marian has told then that a few times, but it's like speaking to the walls, as they are set in their ways.
The last time that she did that, the one woman's husband told Marian to shut up and that's when I stepped in to tell him that he is dumb nut for telling a woman to shut up. Since that argument they retreated into their dens.

Guess what! We saw a squirrel crossing the road near our new place today. Now in fantasy land I would say that he was one of ours that was tracking us, but in reality we are too far away and there has to be other squirrels here. So a new adventure awaits 😁

Cheers and thanks.

You're right, some people are just that way and they can't change even if they know they are wrong. Every word spend on them is worthless.

Cool, I am sure that you'll soon have some visitors and even subtenants 😀

Maybe you like a !PIZZA fresh from the Oven 😋

 2 years ago  

Best thing is to get away from them as soon as one can. It took us 3 years of trying and now it's thankfully done 😉

Had a sunbird visit already and saw two sparrows making a nest in our granadilla fence. So things are looking good 😊

Cheers and thanks.

And it seems that apart from the little visitors and subtenants, which will certainly also find you, you have found a much better place 🤞😊

!WINE makes a delicious dinner with !PIZZA :)

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