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RE: Reminiscences, reprises and ruminations of blogging and the social blockchain

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

Ahh, the Fiona treatment. Few and far between these days, but always a pleasure when one pops up. I don't think anyone can fault you for putting your spin on a little challenge! Especially when it's just for fun.

I kind of miss the days being able to hop in on a challenge (or lead one), but perhaps some day 3D life will slow down enough to get back to it again. As for next week, well, no blogging will be going on despite the slow pace!


You are too kind, Katie. You know, things have their time and IMO, going out on a high, as you guys did, was smart. There'll be others.

You go and enjoy your week of feet up, family, fun and no blogging - you deserve it!