Late Night Thoughts #3

in Silver Bloggers3 months ago

Late Night Thoughts #3

It had just turned midnight on Saturday, March 2nd and I am still awake. On Friday, I had a 3 hour shift at a football game scanning tickets at one of the gates. I got to work with one of my friends too. Most people are nice, polite and do the riht thing and others can be particularly nasty, especially when they want to leave the grounds to have a cigarette.

The policy now is to scan people out and back in and those who have their tickets on other people’s phones or not on them are understandably going to be upset. They can turn hostile quite quickly at the mildest of inconveniences too.

During the day I was walking down Hindley Street to meet my friend before we were both going to work. I had stopped at a square bin that had four small food trays, one on each of the corners. In each was an apple, a small burrito, some small cakes, and small Chinese food containers with a few spring rolls inside.

This was clearly prepared as free meals for homeless people. The kindness in the City of Adelaide can be surprising at times, and the amount of people openly sleeping rough is something of a concern and easily resolved if the Adelaide City Council actually cared.

While I was wondering what was in the small Chinese containers (I opened one after what happened next), a guy asked me why the pub nearby was closed as they were supposed to be open 24 hours. I said I had no idea and asked if there was any signs on the windows. He said no. He noticed me looking at the food on the bin and asked if I was “scabbing for food”. I said no and he presented me with an Australian $50 note.

An Australian $50 note

I accepted the free money and he continued walking while I checked the content of the boxes and left them for their intended recipients.

During my shift, I got to speaking to a young woman who didn’t like the ticket scanning job and it turns out that she works for several event based companies doing pop up promotions and gets paid well for what she does, including having interstate travel and accomodation paid for. She said that she hates hospitality jobs because they are vastly under paid for what they do. I agreed and the casual nature of the work we were doing, meaning hours can be cut or cancelled, isn’t exactly good for my bank balance nor my mental health.

So that’s something to research / look into. I’m at a point in life where I cannot rule out any possibilities in regards to working.

I have several certificates that have time limits on them if I don’t get employed wihin those industries.

More research is definitely needed. It never really ends, the learning and then letting go of old ideas that no longer hold any benefit.

In truth I have zero interest in hospitality jobs (servitude) and I am only doing this for survival.
I'm definitely in the wrong industry.

Also just over a month ago I started learning Hindi via an app called Duolingo. They've introduced Music and Maths lessons as well.

I'm doing OK but struggling a bit with the sentence structure. I'll get there.

Anyway, it’s time for bed.

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,


All content, including photos and text, are produced by myself except where indicated otherwise and sources are always supplied. I do not use A.I. so your upvotes support a genuine human being producing original.