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RE: QSL Card And Vintage Ticket Clusters - Day 30 - The 100 Day Project

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago

I was fascinated by bus tickets and the tickets for the art deco lift from the promenade to the beach. One holiday I hoarded scraps like these in a shoe box and reviewed them every night (ie turned each precious thing over in my hands as if I was absorbing whatever secret thing they embodied) when I was supposed to be going to sleep. The whole thing must have gone in the bin at the end of the holiday.


Nice that you still have the memory though. So much is being lost with the digital age. The tactile nature of turning paper things over in your hands is a not so obvious but great example.

There is a hospital visiting programme where the British Museum (I think) takes in artefacts for patients to look and hold and turn over (with conversation, I'm guessing) Apparently, a proven therapeutic benefit.

Sounds like a lovely idea which reminds me . . . when I was trying to find easy things to do with my yarn I discovered fidget blankets. They looked like a fun thing to make. Maybe I'll look into them again once my cluster book is completed.