Decorating the House for Christmas - by Sunscape

in Silver Bloggers6 months ago


It always amazes me how different the house looks once you start putting up all the Christmas decorations. There is something magical about all the glowing lights and the festive ornaments on the tree.

This year I only put up my small white tree on the main floor. I was not sure how our young dog would be with all the garlands and bulbs. So, our main tree stayed in the tote which was hard for me because I love having the main tree in the family room. This year I just put up garlands that are out of reach for a young dog that still seems to be in the puppy stage.


All fluffed out and ready for decorations. I had to move out my table and lamp to make room for the tree. So far Mika is more curious about what's inside all my Christmas totes. She is such a curious one.

This year I decided to do a "Critter Glam" theme. This included using gold, silver, white, and crystals. Then I threw in all my nature ornaments, or critters as I call them. I think they are just the cutest darn ornaments and they look really nice on the white tree.


The squirrel and the little deer are my favorite ones. I just think they are adorable.


It took me a few hours to make all the bows and put all the ornaments on. I know it is hard to see them but there are a lot of them on that little tree.


I purchased this set of gold balls this year. One says Noel, one Peace, and one says Joy. Every year I like to add something new to my collection of ornaments and really liked this set.


The following day, I laid out all my floral stems and pinecones to start making some arrangements. I hadn't bought any new things to make some centerpieces in a very long time. I was shocked when the cashier totaled up the bill for all the new stems. Yikes, when did artificial flowers and greens get so expensive? I guess I will be rearranging these differently for years to come.

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One arrangement was made and I still have another one to do and that did not get done until the following day. Between carrying up all the Christmas totes, putting up the tree, and setting up the greens, my back was giving me some grief. lol


The second floral piece is right next to my front door entrance with a few candles. I was pleased with the way the arrangements look for this year.


In the family room, I laid out a garland behind the sofa and put up the wreath to add some holiday cheer to the room.


Above the fireplace I hung a large garland up and then decorated it with some lights, pinecones, and some ornaments. The ribbon had little snowmen with a winter theme on it that seemed appropriate for this year.


I think adding in the pinecones throughout the different decorations this year added that natural feel to my theme.


This area is on the main floor in my dining area. I always like to put my little Christmas trees here. I have had the tall house for many years and it has a light inside which looks nice at night.


This funky-looking garland caught my eye a couple years ago and I hung it over the kitchen sink.


Lastly, a few candles underneath the flying reindeer and snowflakes end my decorations tour for this year. I did do some lights and candy canes outside but never took any photos, ;-)

May your festivities with families and friends this holiday season be filled with much love and joy.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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You are very right, dear friend @sunscape, it is incredible how our home can change with the Christmas decorations placed in place and finished.
What beautiful decorations you have, and how well they decorate the spaces that you have decided to decorate, very emotional
I appreciate you sharing this emotional Christmas experience.
Have a wonderful morning

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| Curador: @garybilbao |

 6 months ago  

Thank you very much @jlufer Christmas is such a magical time and I do love decorating the whole house. Have a wonderful Christmas holiday my friend, I send you my best regards for health, wealth, and well-being.

 6 months ago  

I just love your Christmas theme @sunscape, it looks stunning.
The house always looks so empty when one takes all the decorations down.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas season <3

 6 months ago  

Awe, thank you so much, may you have a fabulous Christmas season too.

Hello @sunscape

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 6 months ago  

Thank you very much for the support @tengolotodo I really appreciate you doing so. Happy holidays to you and yours.

Oh these are gorgeous, I love the colours and all the wee animals of course!

 6 months ago  

I love the little creatures on the tree, and of course in real nature, I think that is why I was inspired to do the theme.

It’s so beautiful! You did a really great job! 🤩

 6 months ago  

I appreciate that you liked my theme this year. I felt like doing a bit of glam for the tree instead of the traditional. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

All look so beautiful 😍🎄😍

I thought the exact same thing!📯🌲📯

I love Christmas and I think this decoration is beautiful. I haven't decorated my house yet, I hope to do it this weekend

It's fun seeing posts to see how everyone decorates for Christmas every year on Hive! Each person has his/her own style.

Hope you get around to decorating your home this weekend. I'll keep my eyes out for your post -- or you can tag me!❤🎄💚

When I make the post I will surely name you so you can see it.❤️❤️❤️

Thank you!😊

You are welcome my dear ❤️

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| Curador: @garybilbao |

 6 months ago  

Your are so sweet Nina.


Dear @sunscape, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @ninahaskin.

 6 months ago  

Thank you very much, Denisse you will have to share your decorations with us.

Yes of course! This week I want to paint and then put up the tree, I'm just waiting to complete the money 🤭🤭🤭 when we lived in another house my mom did put up decorations, it's a shame I don't have photos of that moment

The place looks great.

I've been putting it off but you've just inspired me to get the decorations up today. thank you!

 6 months ago  

I am so glad you are inspired to decorate. Have a wonderful holiday and thank you for stopping by today.

Wow ! Your home is full of creativity and festive @sunscape ♥️❤️ lovely to see

 6 months ago  

Thank you so much! Nice to see you as well.

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!"

Love the decorations, especially the gorgeous white Christmas tree that reminds me of yesteryear!

📯🦌🎄🎅 📯

 6 months ago  

Thank you! I found that tree at a second-hand store a few years ago for $6.00 and could not resist it. I put that in my little living room and a large tree in my family room except this year of course. Merry Christmas to you.

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Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️

These are awesome christmas decors. Love it very much. I specially love the critter glam theme. Indeed, the place feel magical with all these lovely decors.

 6 months ago  

Thank you so much for your nice comment. I felt like connecting with nature more this season with the critter glam theme. It was fun to do. Merry Christmas.

Merry christmas!

You have so many beautiful garlands! Of your critters my favorite was the owl in the upper left. I liked the deer next best. I sort of always wanted garlands but never had the $$ for them. Most of my decorations came from family or tag sales.

I love all your floral pieces and wreathes. The whole house looks so nice.

 6 months ago  

Thank you so much, Pam. I have been accumulating all the decorations for so many years now. Once in a great while I splurge a little bit for something new. I re-purpose so much of my stuff and change it up every year the best I can. I don't like to spend too much either as being retired I have to watch my budget, especially with all this high inflation. I have had my garlands for about 25 years or so and have had to re-string the lights many times when some die out. I love to decorate and it takes me about a week to get it all done. Thank you for your nice comment, and that fuzzy owl was my ornament purchase this year along with the Noel set. Mika has been very good about leaving the tree alone which has really surprised the heck out of me.

Hope Mika continues the good behavior!
