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RE: Sunsets and Ponies, Perfect Way to End my Day

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

What gorgeous sunset images
I hadn’t though about horses biting people but it makes sense they have been running wild and free away from people and suddenly people all around them from a horses perspective it must be overwhelming

 2 years ago  

For the most part, they are good, but, offering horse people food after they have just swum across the channel doesn't sound smart to me.

They have never lived as a domesticated horses, so I have no idea why people think they are tame... but, many do. I am pretty sure they would be overwhelmed. I cannot believe how hot it has been, although it is cooler today than it has been, a bit of the heat has gone. But, I shouldn't complain as it is better than the rain with the heat! :)

Good morning from here! I Hope your day is going great!

I hate to say it but I will, sorry but some people are pretty ignorant and have no common sense,

glad its a bit cooler there today

Got out for a walk and some fresh air earlier so my day has started well :)

 2 years ago  

I saw yours but, I couldn't comment at the time. Quite the flower show! Can you believe I couldn't resist the pull of the blooms while here!? :)

No worries. I thought the same thing about the people. Even little kids are smart enough to be wary of them. I hope you and Lulu are doing fine and you are enjoying these summer days.

your on an island relax and have fun there :)