
Jaja!!! SilverTat 😂😂 I like it😻
The design is cool and well when the reddened skin healed I'll take a picture of it so you can see the white details they've done to the cat to make it look like Ageese.🌙😺

I know you are here for me Super Ed, and I really appreciate it 🤗💙.

aha some white details Super Eli that sounds cool:)
Yes yes I am !

Hello Super Ed!!! good morning

I have to comment on Ageese's post, I saw it last night and it gave me so much laughter, but I was exhausted to even write Hello!!!. Rodrigo went out with friends and had several of them here last night, I had the house full lol. And this morning I made breakfast, a couple of lunches to go because some of the friends already started classes, and now Rodrigo went to take each of them, and I am finally having a coffee while Ageese bites my feet as his uncle taught him. 😂😂🤣

jaja busy momma🤣
jeje ah Ageese will be graduating to Class 3 in no time:)
Enjoy that coffee, I am having my after dinner one now, and it has been raining all day today!