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RE: Paradise is often a Higher Place

in Silver Bloggers • 2 years ago

hehe smarty pants Denise!
Who knew indeed that Scotland gets not so good weather 🤣
Swans well ours don't migrate, they are lifers, at least ours are anyways.
Thursdays are made for walking, actually every day is made to be a walking day:)
Although it is 7am and the rain is still there!

 2 years ago  

That is trash, Ed! Get with your people and fix it. Hehe... I know people that love the Scottish weather! Or maybe just Scotland and the weather just comes with it. That is the way it is sometimes!

I know it is so beautiful there that the weather is only incidental. :)

 2 years ago  

hehe I don't mind cold or rain as long as it is at night Denise, but that is what keeps the scenery beautiful I agree Denise!