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RE: The Future of Hive: Promoting Our Community, Alternatives to Facebook and Ease of Use

in Silver Bloggers11 months ago

Newbie guides, and advanced guides too, a central place for info about everything Hive, from the things you listed to what are tribes and communities, what tags will someone get angry if you use wrong, what are the different front-ends, tipping tokens and requirements and so on... it'd be great if the people who run different projects could get together and create ONE website. Or wiki. Or whatever. And keep it updated. And written so that a non-technical person with no background in finance either can understand. Then every front-end, community, tribe, game and app could link to that place for basic help, ensuring that people get the same info regardless of where they asked the question. While of course keeping site-specific help pages on their own site. Such a site would most likely make it easier to find the answers when using google and other search engines too.

One of the things I learned while in usability is that you have to "meet your target user where THEY are," not where YOU are, nor where you WANT them to be.

Yes. Yes. Yes. I was on the board of a local organisation for a while, and we had such arguments about that. Why aren't people joining, why doesn't anyone seem to know we exist, we DO have both a facebook page and and instagram! I kept saying that only members look at those because only members know about them... we should put up more posters, update the website with current contact info and events, and TALK to people when we meet them outdoors. Hand them a folder or flyer inviting them to the next meeting, event, party... The target audience were the people living in the same apartment buildings as the board members, after all. So why hope that facebook will show people an ad for our page, when you could simply say "Hello, did you know there's an organisation for all of us who live here? We do all these fun things..." when you meet your neighbours on the stairs or at the communal playground/rec area? 🤷