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RE: A day of wonders. Orca status.

Supporting local with my marketing company, we deal with a number of charities. Volunteering is great but it really seems you get what you pay for. So many organizations think they don't have to use any business principals and structure in order to run a successful charity and so many of them turn out to be shit shows. When you switch "Damn I better do better or else I may get fired" to "Ah screw it I am not getting paid for this" and the accountability can go out the window.

It is all about culture and leveraging the expertise you have among supporters otherwise might as well sell lemonade on the corner.

So great to see you keeping on and doing things right.

 2 years ago  

Great to hear this and you are a good man Zeke.
We have had many volunteers over time, but sadly they just came to get the recognition, as when the real work started they disappeared like mist before the sun. Not even a good bye and it can play havoc in the projects as every loss meant that we had to leave whatever we were doing and do their tasks ourselves.
21 years in the charity field have thankfully resulted in much experience and now we don't fall into the traps, so now we teach people to do things themselves. Glory hunters are everywhere and that is the wrong mindset to enter the charity world, as if there is no heart in it then it creates damages to the self and to others in the poor communities.

I like your "selling lemonade on the corner" take on it.

I wouldn't say it's great as it is an unthankful schlep with many sacrifices as you know, but somebody has to do it and we were elected to be that somebodies.