Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 166 Family of geese swimming in the waters of Moses / Familia de gansos nadando en las aguas de moisés

in Feathered Friendslast month (edited)


Among the different types of animals, one of those that takes the most care of their young are the birds and one that gives the most dedication to their young are the GEESE.

In this image you can see a beautiful family of GEESE swimming in the waters of Moses located in the state of Sucre, in Venezuela.

Waiting for your comments and suggestions, happy day.


Entre los distintos tipos de animales uno de los que mas cuida a sus crías son las aves y uno que mas dedicación les da a sus crías son los GANSOS.

En esta imagen se ve una bella familia de GANSOS nadando en las aguas de moisés localizados en el estado sucre, en Venezuela.

Esperando sus comentarios y sugerencias feliz día.


Such a nice photo and you captured so well the whole family. Lovely cloud reflections too.

The bird families are very beautiful, an example for us.

Thanks for appreciating my photos

beautiful picture

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency

Thank you for your love, I hope I have brightened your day with this photo.

Geese are so protective of their young that they have been known to attack intruders. Nice photo of the entire family.

Yes, they are protective not only with their babies, but also with their territory, so much so that some farmers in Venezuela use them as dogs because they are noisy to protect their fields.

Great idea and with as much as the poop the farmers get a little extra fertilizer for their crops. 😁