The REINITA bird promotes recycling to save its home and that of all our planet Earth. / El ave REINITA, promueve el reciclaje para salvar su hogar y el de todos nuestro planeta tierra.

in Feathered Friends3 months ago


Planet Earth is experiencing moments in which human activities are increasingly deteriorating our planet Earth, increasingly reducing the places where the different species of animals that are more cornered by decreasing their HABITAT can still live, or by their habitat being deteriorated due to its contamination by the waste from our activities, by the garbage produced.

One way to reduce this deterioration is to reduce the speed with which resources are extracted from the earth and one way to achieve this is to be able to reuse materials from things made by man to reuse them in other things, thus avoiding having to extract new resources. from the earth.

So we see this one that is commonly known in VENEZUELA as a REINITA bird, which is on these POTS OF TRASH, of RECYCLING, as if they had us calling to recycle so we can save your home, which is our work, and so we can continue enjoying its presence and beauty.

We are going to take better care of our home so that this beautiful bird and all the birds that are in our environment can continue living and continue captivating us with their beauty.

I hope you like this post and waiting for your comments and suggestions.


El planeta tierra vive momentos en donde las actividades del ser humano esta deteriorando cada vez mas a nuestro planeta tierra, disminuyendo cada vez mas los lugares en donde pueden aun vivir las distintas especies de animales que se ven mas acorralados al disminuir su HABITAT, o al ser deteriorado su hábitat por la contaminación del mismo por los desechos de nuestras actividades, por la basura producida.

Una forma de reducir este deterioro es disminuir la velocidad con que se extraen los recursos de la tierra y una forma de logra esto, es poder reutilizar materiales de las cosas hechas por el hombre para reutilizarlos en otras cosas, evitando así tener que extraer nuevos recursos de la tierra.

Asi vemos este que es comunmente conocido en VENEZUELA como un ave REINITA, que esta sobre estos POTES DE BASURA, de RECICLAJE, como si nos tuvieran invotando a reciclar para asi poder salvar su hogar que es nuestro hagar y asi nosotros podamos seguir disfrutando de su presencia y belleza.

Vamos a cuidar mas nuestro hogar asi esta hermosa ave y todas las aves que estan en nuestro entorno puedan seguir viviendo y seguir cautivandonos con su belleza.

Espero que les guste esta publicación esperando sus comentarios y sugerencias.


We are responsible for the future of all living beings.
Thank you for your nice post.

Animals are often more responsible than us.