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RE: Ugly weather and beautiful things!

in Feathered Friends4 years ago

It sure looks like the heavens offered some angry weather! I hope you are safe from the bad storms and there is no damage left behind. Lovely pictures too, the clouds and also the Spotted Thick Knee. Thank you for sharing.


Unfortunately much flooding damage in the low lying areas, but this has become the norm.
Thanks for the visit and glad that you liked the pictures!

We have flooding here also, most years, and it's always quite devastating to the locals and obviously the environment too. If only they could capture that water and use it more inland. It would make more of the continent suitable for habitation.

Agreed, as we live close to the ocean here and to see the tons of water draining from the rivers into the sea is so sad. The province is water scarce, but somehow they just cannot get it into their heads that more dams means more drinking water!