Spring has come

After a long period of frost in February, March came. The first 3 days of March were very warm, but snowy.
I decided that on such days it is better to work at home, rather than go to the office. The roads of the city turned into one continuous traffic jam. And I don't want to waste time sitting in a car.

I'd rather spend this time watching the birds at my feeder.
And the birds are much more cheerful now than on cold winter days.
They started playing catch me games.



Birds chase each other, it may seem that they are fighting for food, but in fact they almost do not fly to the feeder. They're just playing around.

By the way, gray birds are not very noticeable in winter, they become more colorful and bright. Guys have to seduce girls to continue their kind.
The more attractive they are, the better their chances of doing so.




Another flew titmouse Moskovka
She usually arrives alone. I've never seen a feeder have 2 birds at once. But then a couple of them arrived.


Do you see a bird flying away?


Damn. Even a magpie flew in and managed to nibble a little on the seeds from the feeder while there were no other birds.



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Good luck and have fun


Та серая птичка это чечётка, самец. И не московки, а две гаички.

Glad you were able to stay home and take bird photos for us!