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RE: SMAP Contest Round 163 - Birds Of A Feather!

It is fun to watch birds. In urban landscape my favorite in daytime used to be crows when I was in Bombay. Alas i don't see a lot of crows here in Pune, though I see all other kinds of birds from time to time. The more fun birds we see are parrots and even a couple of peacocks once.
My other favorite are bats, especially at twilight when they take flight. I used to have a lot of bats where i lived in Bombay and there were some in Pune too, but concrete jungles are winning and their habitat is losing out now.

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife


That's quite some birds you've seen. There are many of them here but the challenge is knowing most of their names. I see lots of bats too especially in the evenings, they move in their hundreds.

i agree. Even i don't know the names of birds outside of parrots and sparrows and crows. Maybe very impactful looking ones like peacock and Eagle i can recognize. but the small and medium ones are very difficult to tell apart for me. I envy how the birders do it :)