An osprey for feathered friday

in Feathered Friends3 years ago

I just learned today that #featheredfriday is a thing! It certainly got my butt in gear to post the pictures I took of an osprey last week.
This beautiful bird was soaring about over an inlet of the Willamette River, looking for fish.
When he spotted a fish, he would hover and assess whether or not he could catch it.
There are a lot of boats in the area, especially during the summer. They create a lot of wake. It made me think about how much humans affect the environment. The choppy water must create a challenge for a bird who needs to see into the water to score a meal.
If the osprey decided the fish was worth pursuing, he would dive headlong into the water.
I unfortunately did not have any success capturing any good pictures of him once he hit the water, however both times he reemerged he did not have a fish. I have since added capturing a photo of an osprey diving and catching a fish to my photography goals.

This was such a beautiful bird to observe. Large, between the size of a hawk and an eagle. I believe he was male because he didn't have a pronounced brown "necklace" like the online guides say is an attribute of female osprey.
I also really enjoyed all his details when editing my photos. His feet are so big and beautiful and strong. And his eyes!!! A gorgeous bird. Here he is coming in for a landing.
And looking down at me with his tongue out.
And taking off again when he spotted a fish.

I hope you've enjoyed this post! If you like bird and photography, follow me and join the Feathered Friends Community!
All photos taken by me.


Wonderful photos! It's always a delight to watch an
Feathered Friday was the original tag that the group used. I changed it to Feathered Friends when it became obvious that people thought they could only post on Fridays. It got so that I did not have enough voting power to vote on all the posts that were being published on Fridays! It is much nicer to have them all spread out during the week.😁

OOooo fun to hear the history behind Feathered Friends! I still like the idea of Feathered Friday, too. I can post some birds in other groups and casually mention that there's this awesome bird community that I just so happen to be in that anyone can join...

It is a gorgeous bird. This is a bird in my list I wish to see. It is a long list though. 😀
Very nice and detailed shots.

They have a really sweet call, too. Not something you would expect from a large bird. I wanted to record it but there were other people around splashing and yelling.
I hope you get your wish! If you ever visit Portland in the summer, we can go to this beautiful park and see ospreys.

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Wow love the action poses, ready to claw a fish.

thanks! Aren't those claws amazing??

They can probably kill a fish with one pinch of a talon.