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RE: Feathered Friends SMAP Contest Entry - Raptors or Birds Of Prey ~ A Bald Eagle

in Feathered Friends3 years ago

Thanks so much @buckaroobaby!! It is such a joy to see them. Often times I miss getting a photo but I was lucky on this visit as the Eagle was resting in the tree. Lol..that claw still give me a laugh. 😊💖


I know that missed photo opporunity! I miss more often than capture them! We took a drive up the valley recently and I actually grabbed my camera as we headed off impulsively. Took some special photos of some Goshawk's (did a post) but I still missed a lot because it was so windy most of the photos were blurred. Or the predators took off!

I know that feeling. I feel like I take way too many photos because I know at least half will be blurry so I try to compensate and hope I get some good 🙂