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RE: Crow Funeral, entry to Round 27 SMAP Top Branch Bird

thanks for your reply. as far as i know there wasn't anything special going on. it was the only time i have seen them gather so close and lined up like that. we don't feed them regularly but there are rituals related to the spirits of ancestors involving feeding them. otherwise they get fish innards and various scraps now and then. they certainly come and actively beg/request/demand food if we eat outside there are often large gatherings in the trees but i haven't studied them.

as for the photo i did post a similar one in a post about the asian koel which are brood parasites and lay an egg in the nests of unsuspecting house crows


Interesting! Well I know that the crows here will come and ask for food even if they are crows that I seldom see and have only fed once or twice. They also look for cues that indicate if they might be getting some food (like fish guts, maybe they saw you bring home a fish?). The crows here also gather in trees sometimes to do what I think is a sort of census, seeing who is around, how big their families are.
I'd love to hear more about the rituals you have pertaining to ancestors and feeding them. Is it just for crows, or all birds? I find that crows and ravens have a lot of significance in cultures and religious practices around the world, I think because they are so intelligent and have such strong family bonds.

crows have a special significance for hindus. my wife is hindu and she recommended this link
crows are seen as a go between this world and the spirit world and so during certain rituals regarding ancestors we make an extra a plate of the food we eat and put it out for them before we eat.

we put out water several places for all birds and they are very popular so we keep a watch out for good photo opportunities. the crows have a peculiar behavior of putting rotten food in the water. i have always wondered why. it does deter all the other species of birds from drinking and bathing in the water so we frequently change it. any thoughts?

What a wonderful ritual! I will check out that link tonight, tell you wife I said thank you for recommending it!
There is a restaurant next door to me that always puts out a small plate of food when they open. I think they are Buddhist, which is different, of course, but I wonder if the practice is similar. I am just waiting for the day that the crows discover this plate and eat from it.
Crows like to stay hydrated and also like to soak their food. What is rotten to you might be aged to perfection to them! But they also still appreciate fresh water. Sometimes having two water sources can cut down on the mess, but that could also create a second soaking spot for the crows...