
Greetings and thank you Lady Robin. Thank you also for the recent kind donation.
I think that the authorities should place a pedestrian crossing on the road as it could also serve as a bird crossing hahaha.

Some years ago we had a 7 day break in the mountains and Marian fed all comers as usual.
One Peacock male took a special liking to her and declared Marian as his fiance.

It broke his heart when we left and I had to tell him that Marian is my wife and it's against the law for her to have two husbands 🤣
I think that he understood.


Wow, that is soooo awesome! But if I were you, I would watch that guy.😁

Hahaha, thank you Lady Robin and yes, time has taught me to keep an eye on him.
At times the males are in the high spots in the cliffs where they stand guard and that loud bark warning from the top is always chilling to hear.

So when they are down below, they are even more unpredictable.

Blessings and !PIZZA

Oh and thank you also kindly for the donation.

@farm-mom! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @papilloncharity.

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@farm-mom! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @papilloncharity.

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