Show Me A Photo (SMAP) 159 - Alone And Free

Hello Feathered Friends Community. Let's welcome Round 159 of the Show Me A Photo Contest hosted by @nelinoeva. Check it out the contest post here. Read up and join in the fun.

The theme for this week is:


I have in the past featured street chicken and cocks in SMAP. Street chicken, I call them that, because they roam our subdivision streets, foraging for any kind of food they can find on the sidewalks, empty lots and sewers. They do not appear to have owners because no one comes to show them home. They do not have any specific place or house to roost at night. But one thing I noticed with them is they disappear after a while only to be replaced by new ones. I don't know where they disappear to but I suspect they have been taken and feasted on by passersby or by the owners of the homes where they forage for food. Tough life for these street chicken.

Lately, a new one has been seen wandering our street. I found this one quite intriguing because she is usually by herself without any companions. Most street chicken travel by groups of 3 or 4, accompanied by their rooster. But this one is always alone. She has black plumage and her unusually long neck, longer than most that I have seen, make her look intriguing and interesting.



And for this week's SMAP, the next photo is my entry.


And that's it folks. A blessed Easter to everyone. Keep safe and healthy.

(All photos are mine.)


It is a nice specimen, it could have some crossbreeding, this makes it come out with some features, Regards ✌️

You could be right, you know. Thanks for dropping in 😀

Tough life indeed for these street chickens.

Happy Easter my friend!
Ours will be on 5th of May. It is a month difference this time and each time we have it differently.
Different calendars are used .

Oh I didn't know you celebrated Easter on a different date. Is this like ours too where we commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ? We follow the church in Rome, the Catholic Church. Is yours more like the Eastern Orthodoxy?

Yes, we are Christian Orthodox and because Catholics use Gregorian calendar and Orthodox - Julian, the different dates for the Easter were calculated.

I see. So it should be like the Lenten season now for you. We have just finished the Lenten season culminating with Good Friday then Easter Sunday. 😊