Show Me A Photo (SMAP) 165 - The Yellow Vented Bulbul

Welcome everyone to the 165th Round of the Show Me A Photo Contest or SMAP hosted by @nelinoeva. Check out the contest post here. Read up and if you like taking photos of birds, this is the thing for you.

The theme for this week is:


I was quite happy about our theme this week because lately, I have been taking a lot of photos of birds perched on electric lines or wires. The only problem I have with these pictures is that they are mostly about sparrows and the yellow vented bulbul. I have a few pigeons but that's all. I have been on the lookout for other species on wire but have not been successful so far. With that said let me feature my favorite bird on wire thus far.

The Yellow Vented Bulbul



I saw it perching on the electric wires one morning on my walk towards the makeshift market outside our subdivision. It's hard to say whether it's a him or a her because this kind of bird does not show sexual dimorphism, meaning the male and female birds of this specie look alike. Although it was observed that the females are sometimes smaller than the males.

I actually like this kind because they don't scare easily, unlike sparrows. In fact, after I saw it I went closer to get a better shot and it just stayed put and allowed me to do the pictorial.



I usually see these Yellow Vented Bulbul on my way outside to the market on other days and I always take at least a shot especially of they are willing to be photographed.

Can you guess which is the male and which is the female in the photo above? Your guess is as good as mine lol.

In the next photo, it is looking down at me and probably wondering what I was doing.

Look mama! It's got no head!!!

Head's back again, whew.

And that's it for now before I bore you all to death. Wishing the best to all the participants. Stay safe everyone and may you have a blessed upcoming weekend ahead.

(All photos are mine. )



Hello @gems.and.cookies
You are right, the same thing happens where I live, there are not many species of birds that roost on the cables, I really like the bird you found, your photographs are beautiful

Thank you for your kind words of appreciation and for visiting. Hope you can join 😊

It's good that the bird stayed still so you could take these shots, dear friend @gems.and.cookies
It also made me happy to know what the slogan of the week was,
Have a wonderful day

Yes, it must have been resting after flying around the neighborhood. Good thing, really. I wish the sparrows could be the same. Glad I was able to remind you of this week's theme 😊 Good luck in the contest, my friend 🙏

What a lovely model this bulbul is. I must say the wires seems favorite place to many birds and they feel quite comfortable. Thank you so much for your lovely post and entry. Which one will be your entry photo?

Hi @nelinoeva. The first photo is my entry. 😊

Thanks for the nice comment. It was my pleasure to be able to join 🥰