SMAP 183 - A Regular Bystander

Welcome to Round 183 of the Show Me A Photo or SMAP Contest hosted by @ nelinoeva. Check out the contest post here. Do read up and join us if you still have not.

The theme for this week is:


I was going over my archives to check if there are any pics I can use for this week in SMAP. Luckily I found this one which I took sometime before while I went to a neighborhood sari-sari store. A sari-sari store is a small store, usually found in subdivisions or side streets, that sell almost anything that might be needed in the house. They are very convenient especially when people run out of supplies and don't have time to buy in a supermarket or a grocery. From cooking oil sold repacked in 250 grams containers to sugar to eggs to canned goods to chips and cigarettes. You may be surprised with just how complete these sari sari stores are. The only drawback is their prices are usually higher but people don't really mind because of the convenience of being able to buy what you need at the time that you need them.

Now would you believe this feathered creature was comfortably stationed right at the counter of the sari sari store? He was so at home that he did not mind the various customers who were buying. According to the store owner, she feeds this chicken regularly and now it made the store its permanent roost.




The last photo is my entry for this Round.

That's it. There's less than 8 hours before payout of the contest post so I hope this still makes it. Have a blessed Sunday everyone.

(All photos are mine.)


Thats a pretty feathered friend, she looks so comfortable in there. Chicken too can tell who to trust no, lol. Kaya ngayon suki na din sha dyan, lol. But whos the owner kaya.

Madaming nyan dito sa may amin. Tawag ko street chicken o manok na ligaw. Walang mga may-ari pero pag lumaki na nawawala. Malamang inulam na. Finders keepers 😂

Well, you never know what you may encounter when you pop up for supply. 😀

Gave me a start really when I first saw it and I was like a foot away from it 🤣

Thanks for the support and my pleasure as usual to be able to post. 😊