Aurora Flew Off On Sunday - We Keep Looking & Hoping


I haven't been in the mood to post the past few days. To some it may seem silly to carry so much love for a bird. Not to me.

In my life, I've lost pets and even people. Being a family man, I don't keep in touch too frequently with the friends of my youth. We're still friends but we all have different lives now.

My true best friends in this world are my wife and my two boys, Logan & Devin. That all changed when we accepted Aurora as gift from my wife's co-worker.

This gorgeous Sun Conure became a part of our family in a few short months. Her personality is as adorable as any cat or dog a person could own as a pet. She loved to rub her beak on my shoulder and cuddle with me under blankets every night.

Would Have, Could Have, Should Have


In a sense, I feel like a terrible and irresponsible pet owner. But that's all woulda, coulda, shoulda kind of talk. We should have taken Aurora to the Vet and ensured her wings were clipped for flight. We could have had her microchipped.

The fact is that I shoulda just insisted we take care of those things. But we didn't. We gave her an incredible home full of love, but we also had our failures in responsibilities. None of that helps now except to use the failure as a tool to learn from.

What Happened?

Aurora was sitting with me for a moment out on the patio this past Sunday. It was a bad idea to begin with to take her out, but it wasn't for very long and she's usually calm on my shoulder.

It wasn't a regular habit, either. BUt she loves it on the patio and it's not easy to ignore her desire to be with me all the time.


She got real interested in the sounds outside and started making some short clucking noises of her own. Fearing her interest was too high, I decided to bring her back in.

Aurora was on my hand as I approached the doorway, then lifted up flapping in my face. I freaked out a bit and she bolted over the fence and around the corner of our building.

Up In A Tree

It was easy to locate her from that first flight. Aurora was up in a tree in front of our house, but too scared to come down. She flew across the street and perched high up in a tall Eucalyptus tree.

We brought out her cage and set it in the middle of a grassy field adjacent to the tree. It took quite some coaxing and after about an hour she was finally ready to come down.

Things Went From Bad To Worse

Aurora took flight headed down and directly towards her cage and myself. About half way down, she started flapping her wings and the wind caught her. Up and up she went, trying to circle back a couple times but the wind wouldn't allow her any progress.

My eldest son Devin, my wife, and I all tried to run to keep her in sight but the trees eventually blocked our view.

All Our Efforts Have Gone To Finding Her


So far we have posted all over social media especially on the Nextdoor App. We have posted fliers in our neighborhood. I'm going to expand our posting range to outside the immediate area tomorrow.

Unfortunately (but fortunately), we've both had to work the last few days. I had a 5 hour drive to a job in the desert in the middle of the night on Tuesday. That really threw me off any kind of a time schedule.

But we are doing our best, have also notified the San Diego Humane Society, and are offering a $500.00 reward for locating her.

Baby Come Back!!!

If you happen to live in San Diego North County, please keep your eyes and ears open. I've said my prayers for her safety and we will keep up our efforts of finding her. The only other thing we can do is hope.

Thanks for listening.


Images Courtesy Of My Galaxy S10+
Bottom Image Courtesy Of Brand Assets



Oh! I know how much she means to you and I am heart broken. I hope you are able to find her, and if not I hope she has some skills that will allow her to survive in the wild.
I am so sorry.

Thanks Melinda. We are hanging in there and hoping for the best.

I'm sure you are doing all the right things to find her and I hope you are reunited with her very soon.

I hope to appear soon friend.