
I think that they are only out to damage government buildings my friend.
Mostly because they are forcibly removed from government and private land that they invade.
The crime stats were recenly released and 58 people die violently here every day.
I have a feeling that it's going to get much worse.

Howdy sir papilloncharity! That doesn't sound good at all, 58 people are killed everyday? Is that in all of South Africa or just your area? What is the population where those murders occur?

Howdy Sir @janton
That is countrywide and the police crime stats were released.
Our population figure touches 60 million and it happens across all races.
But of couse I seriosly dislike politics, as it's always best to stay optimistic.
So let's rather chat about the changes in your life.
I hear that you are now running a small business, is that correct?

Howdy today sir papilloncharity! I'm sorry to make you think about the
alarming statistics there, I'm just trying to grasp the situation.

I'm staying very busy doing repairs, maintenance, and remodel work on our property, inside and out. Mrs. J is working full time but has just gotten her insurance adjuster license so she, with my help, will be launching into that new endeavor. It's one of the few businesses which has no age limits!

Howdy Sir @janton, really no need to apologize, as that news is all over the Internet here. It's just that politics is a pain here and I suppose everywhere.

So you guys are busy setting up an insurance business?
Insurance adjusting sounds to me like helping clients to have the correct insurance packages?

I'm always fascinated by news in South Africa, it's a fascinating place. A strange contradiction of natural beauty and riches along with man's destructive nature.

There are different kinds of insurance adjusters, you can work for one company or you can be a public adjuster who works for individuals who think their insurance company didn't pay out enough for damages.

Then there is the catastrophe adjuster who goes into areas that were hit with hurricanes, tornadoes and floods. Of course Mrs. J wants to be a catastrophe adjuster, better known as Storm Chasers. lol. She loves the idea so it should be interesting.

She also loves ministering to hurting people so that type of work will fit her well.

Oy Vay, I can see the headlines here Sir @janton.

"Storm chaser and her brave husband saves many lives in a catastrophic storm"

Africa has forever been pillaged for it's riches since the slave trade days my friend and it continues to this day.
You just have to look at the scars in nature left as is by old abandoned mines, to see exactly what is going on here. The money god also continues to ruin the reputations of many here and at times I think it's a war between mankind, nature and life.

Please tell that lady of yours that we are proud of her for ministering to hurting souls.