Birds In Flight

in Feathered Friends2 years ago

Free As A Bird

Hovering gracefully above or rushing off birds commandeer freedom untold in the skies,

Some South African birds in flight enjoying what we are not able sight from above whenever they feel like it, or simply cross over borders into other lands.

Yellow-billed kite is a bird that migrates within sub-Saharan Africa, not found in the dry regions of our country enjoying woodlands and rural areas normally where humans reside.

Milvus aegyptius (Yellow-billed kite) arrives in our east coast region from August and leaves once again by March, so they have already left to enjoy Zimbabwe or Zambia for warmer winter conditions.


Weaver birds - (Ploceus sp) appear all year round, here I share them leaving the tree where twenty or thirty had enjoyed the late afternoon sun then took flight as one goes they all rose to the air.

Since we enjoy a couple of different weaver birds who appear content together there may be two or three species. Weaver birds do not migrate far, perhaps move short distance for better food source.


Blacksmith Lapwing (Vanellus armatus) playing over the tree tops enjoying life next to the river, communicating in a metallic harsh "tink-tink-tink" they will let you know when you their turf.


This bird is endemic to the African continent, found more often than not close to rivers, dams or water pans.


Lesser Flamingo (Phoeniconaias minor) species found in sub-Saharan Africa and nothwestern India now in near threatened listing according to research noted below in link. Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus) widespread and largest flamingo species is also on near threatened listing, water needs to be right or one loses the visitors rights in magnificient birds coming to our shores. At the distance I could not tell exactly which species I was looking at.


Ending off with two species in flight together African harrier-hawk, harrier hawk or gymnogene (Polyboroides typus) following Woolly-necked stork or white-necked stork (Ciconia episcopus) who know where they were going on a bright sunny morning, playing follow the leader?


African harrier-hawk another species sub-Sahara resident, the Woolly-neck stork enjoys our rivers and wetlands not only in South Africa but across Africa and Asia.


Information Research Source

My Entry for Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 62 with host @nelinoeva with thanks!

All photography is my own. Any queries or requests please drop a comment below or make contact with me, have a wonderful day! Photography without tripod, go with the flow wherever life takes you. NB: Amateur photographer and bird watcher, keep smiling & Come Join In!

Thought for Today: "The sky is wide enough for two birds to fly without their wings touching." - African Proverb

Combination_PapillonCharity.png How To


by @barbara-orenya



Birds in flight photography: I can only say these are great photos and I would be happy to have as many birds in flight photos as you have in this post only ... ask Zac 😁

!BEER and !WINE - both make a nice dinner with !PIZZA :)

Sorry for late reply, yes plenty birds on wing here unlike currently they all in hiding from the rain.


Never mind, Joan, I hope the rain will stop and the birds will fly for you again 🤞😀

!PIZZA and !BEER served with !LUV - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Bright sunny day between the storms as they say, promise of rain again with storm swinging back late tomorrow.

Birds will be up and flying as soon as their wings have dried out.

I have shared devastation on my FB page, most our warnings come through from local residents. Over 300 dead, as bad as the one we had back in 1987.


I don't know what to say, I'm speechless and can only hope for you. Here we can't imagine such floodings where even many people die.

!PIZZA and !BEER served with !LUV - sounds like a nice dinner :)

No warnings with this storm, exceptionally heavy rain for 3 days over 300mm in most places. Yesterday and this morning some cleaning up operations, more rain this afternoon through to Monday.

Finding clean water is a problem at the moment, also housing some small birds that are exhausted after extended conditions. Old shoe boxes that I save, now their home for a day or two then back to the wild. Fortunately big enough for seed and water in the box 😅, another thing I have done over the years.


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I don't think I will ever moan about bad weather again, because we don't know such bad weather that you experience year by year again. Rescuing exhausted birds? Wow, I have never heard about such either - good job 😊

!PIZZA and !BEER served with !LUV - sounds like a nice dinner :)

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Great photos my friend!

Thanks so much Robin, hope you are both well and hubby recovering from knee replacement.

Beautiful… I love watching birds. Saw today some red kites but they were to far to photograph.

Our kites have gone, most swallow have flown, now we have change again. Mossies and Weavers always around, saw a little Fire Finch during the week as well.

That’s cut the fire finch.
A change is always nice with new seasons 😊

The wings of the bird in second picture is quite captivating, the shot came out nice, I guess its because you captured it while in motion

Thanks the little ones are always up and down, not often I manage this bird gathering being over other side of neighbours garden.

A great capture of the Kite in the first photo, Joan @joanstewart. You have many fabulous birds coning to your area.

Kite will hover above your head every so often, fun trying to capture them like this.

Hello dear friend @joanstewart good afternoon
What a beautiful place where you live, you have beautiful presences of birds; I love the shots you've done; Congratulations
I appreciate that you let us know these tender images
have a beautiful weekend

Having river relatively close we get a nice mix of bird life in the gardens and parks. Beach attracts very different bird life offering good variety.


Wonderful post, Joan!
Great captures! I love the proverb, again just spot on!

How fortunate the birds are happy in flight above. It would be good for humans to consider sharing space, like proverbs tell.

Precisely. 🙂

Great observation and birding!👍

Thanks for enjoying with me.

Stunning birds! And stunning shots. We have incredible birds here in South Africa, right! I love that first photograph, capturing them from the bottom is always majestic and otherwordly.

When Kites arrive I am tempted to place some chicken necks on walls to see them come down to eat, they tend to hang above as if hopeful of a little handout. We see them on the beach taking dead fish off the shoreline as well.

I can imagine that that will make for some awesome photography!

Birds in flight they always look so beautiful 👍

Nice when able to capture them, test ones hand/eye coordination 😅

Always a challenge to capture birds in flight @joanstewart have a great Happy Easter 👍

Making the most of Easter as best we can after raging floods hit our region.


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Those are spectacular ♥️Do hawks and storks usually fly together???

Never seen them together like this, once off 😅

Maybe it's a Disney type friendship!

Will ask next time I see them together 😂

🤣If they've heard of Disney that will be even bigger news!

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Thanks for update @hivebuzz have a great day!

You're welcome @joanstewart, that's a pleasure 😊🌹 Have a great day too!

Those are absolutely beautiful shots of the birds in flight! I sure enjoyed viewing those unique African birds - thanks so much for sharing!

Trust you are keeping well and busy now being on retirement @porters birds always keep me sane, my daily addiction!