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RE: The Ring Necked Pheasant

in Feathered Friends • 2 years ago

He is handsome in grand plumage, would not have to heart to catch to eat but if offered would never say no to taste the orange meat 😅

Pheasant is most probably very wary of humans knowing the possibility of ending up in a pot.


I'm not a hunter myself, but everyone I know who hunts will try to go after these guys. I completely understand why they are shy.

I'm pretty sure the stuff I ate was farmed. They have a small hunting range where you can do clay shooting and go on pheasant hunts. I did some clay shooting, not keen on hunting pheasants, especially on a farm.

Yup also had a shot at clay pigeon shooting, not so good but the sons had fun many years ago.

As a child was taken out when shooting (tarentale) a wild Guineafowl for farmers wife to cook, was delicious!