
Totally agreed and maybe we can learn to stop thrashing nature with all of our plastics and also to stop the destruction of forests Hannes.

A look at the endangered birds list will show you that mankind is responsible for most of their extinctions.
They can also teach us much on how to lead our lives my friend.

Cheers and thanks!

Of course "we" can learn, but I don't think the important people can learn, because they don't want to learn but make money or they don't care.

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You are so right and the the fact that it's all profit camouflaged with the word "progress" to try and fool us Hannes.

"Oh look, we are clearing this part of the forest to give the locals a better life, as they can then farm in this area"

Who sells the wood from the trees that are cut down, and who sells the produce that the people cultivate on the farms?

A funny world that we live in because no one asks what happens to the animals that live in that part of the forest and if the animals invade the new crops they are killed.
Such is life!

Cheers and thanks!

I agree, but it's a bit different here as we have very strict laws which often are too strict, but all in all you are right and such things happen too.

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Rather too strict laws than willful destruction Hannes.
I have watched some documentaries on forest destruction and it made me cry inside.
We just have to find a way to stop the madness.

Cheers and thanks!

I think they are already trying anything they can, but there's too much power behind their opponents I think.

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The old adage "Money talks" come to mind here and you are so right about the power issue Hannes.
But there are also other issues such as population growth outstripping available space with the result that forests are cleared for human habitation.
The problem with this is services, as mediocre services result in littering and that ugly word "plastic" all over the place.

I get so angry when I see a beautiful bird sitting on a branch with a plastic bag next to it that the wind blew into the tree.

Cheers and thanks!

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