White Breasted Nuthatch

in Feathered Friends3 years ago

Hello Hivers

White Breasted Nuthatch

This small agile and colourful bird is quite common in wooded areas.
Seen along branches and trunks it doesn't lean against it's tail like....

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other birds so they can move sideways and even head first down a tree looking for insects.
Their numbers have increased in the last few decades, and like most
tree dwelling birds they rely.....

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on dead or dying trees to nest in.

Thank you to Cornell Lab of Ornithology for the map.


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These are some of my very favorite birds, they are so fun to take pictures of. It's cute how the walk down a tree and look right at you when they do. One day as I was filling the feeders a nuthatch ate some feed out of my hand, it was so cool.

I have seen them eating out of a hand before....they are a nice sight on a Winter day...

Cool pictures!👍Nuthatches also live in Siberia, but they look different. They have a mask on their face like a bandit.

I did see your post the other day...I was looking at the differences...very cool...Siberia looks awesome, I would like to take the Trans Siberian Railway one day...

Fantastic photos of this sweet little bird! They are entertaining! Congrats on the curation rewards!

Hello @karbon!

very nice captures !
We appreciate your work and your post was manually curated by @barbara-orenya from the DNA team!

Reach us on Discord to learn more about the project!

Thank you @barbara-orenya for your support!