Starling-feathered roosters play hot

in Feathered Friends3 months ago


The male starling chicken is one of the chickens that is widely kept by people in my area because this chicken is able to sing in the morning so it can be a manual alarm for those who miss getting up in the morning. So with me, I also keep a walking feathered rooster in Kabarin. Now he is playing in the heat of the sun, my starling chicken's favorite. Look, he doesn't want to look for food on the ground even though it is healthy to give him, but what is called love, they also want to get food from the results they look for themselves. I have taken several pictures of starling chickens on my smartphone. Warpath Didik is different, making me give you the news. Indah is one of our teachers. I hope that today in front of a beautiful house and my friends like it, greetings to chicken lovers in great quality. if we look at the richness of a rooster, then he is looking for food on the ground, so my post today can show how many pictures are in the articles. Hopefully friends read it and enjoy all the beautiful pictures from me today. I have a positive side to continue to raise chickens in the room because this is part of our event to enjoy the results of our efforts and the meat of the chickens later.



