Only three doves in the rain - Bird Photography 📸🕊️

Hello friends! It was a rainy morning and these three friends who were fighting against the rain and wind decided it was better to make a stop, so they sat on this antenna and let the fresh rain give them a delicious bath.


Hola amigos! Era una mañana lluviosa y estas tres amigas que pasaban luchando en contra de la lluvia y el viento decidieron que era mejor hacer una parada, entonces se posaron sobre esta antena y dejaron que la lluvia fresca les diera un delicioso baño.





My time to share at Hive is very limited now, but I can always take a few minutes to share something with you and say hello. I hope you all are well and have a wonderful weekend!


Mi tiempo para compartir en Hive es muy limitado ahora, pero siempre puedo dedicar unos minutos para compartirles algo y saludarlos. Espero que todos estén muy bien y que pasen un maravilloso fin de semana!

These photos were taken from my bedroom window with my Canon Rebel T6 camera and 300mm lens and edited in photoshop.


Estas fotos las tomé desde la ventana de mi habitación con mi cámara Canon Rebel T6 y el lente de 300mm y editadas en photoshop.



Thanks for stopping by

With love. Maria Ballesteros. 💜

All images are my property unless otherwise credited.


Credits Zord89


Posted using Ecency Coin
Credits @ Dunsky


It's always a pleasure to hear from you and see your bird photos! Thanks for posting to the #featheredfriends community

Hi Melinda! It will always be a pleasure for me to share in this community. I don't have as much time as I would like but every time I see a bird I remember you! Thank you for your nice words!😉

Su post ha sido valorado por @ramonycajal


Ey! Muchas gracias! Es bien apreciado el apoyo de uds amigos! 🤗

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Thank you very much @jasonmunapsee and all R2cornell team! It's very appreciated your support! 💜

Vayas amigas has encontrado jajaj ... saludos ;=

Ey!! si vale a falta de amigas humanas me sobran palomas!!🤣 Saludos de vuelta!😘

Gracias por compartir tu contenido con la comunidad de El Arca (@elarca), el mismo ha sido votado por nuestra iniciativa de curación artística @stellae. Si deseas puedes delegar HP al proyecto: Delegate 25 HP Delegate 50 HP Delegate 100 HP Delegate 250HP Delegate 500HP

Gracias amigos! 💜