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RE: Ugly weather and beautiful things!

A Spotted thick Kneew! I've never even heard of it! Rarely seen, indeed! Fabulous photos.
There are far too many people who think that their way is the right way. You can only feel sorry for closed minded people like that!
I've only realized that I must put on shoes to go out on the deck. The poor eye sight that chipmunks have causes them to think my toes are peanuts! It doesn't hurt but it is startling when you feel one of the furry little creatures tugging at your toe. And I am not showing my daughter the photo of your squirrel inside your house. I have told her it is not allowed!

Thanks for posting this to Feathered Friends! !tip


What a silly name for these special birds my friend. So glad that I could get them, as we can hear their calls at night, but never saw them.
Hahaha, so the squirrels think your toes are peanuts. So funny.
I fed "squirry" here at the window a bit earlier, as they are all sopping wet and full of mud. The weather here is going crazy as tons of water are coming down.
Squirry has her ways of slipping into the house and she is so clever that little "Troy" doesn't even notice her.
Good that you keep them out as can certainly become a handful.
Blessings to you guys and thank you for the tip!