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RE: Feathered Friends in Silver & Gold: KOOKABURRA

A perfect post for the #featheredfriends Community! Your coins are a delightful celebration of the birds that we love at #featheredfriends. I am thrilled that you shared this kookaburra coin with us... In silver and in gold! I hope everyone who sees this realizes that there are many ways to post into the #feathered-friends community!
Thanks for posting this! ❤️❤️❤️


I sincerely want to thank you for being so inclusive and for your encouragement. I seriously have so many failed bird photos! And besides, it is almost embarrassing that there are no birds other than pigeons around me here, so I am truly at a disadvantage. Every week, I look through all the thumbnail beautiful bird photos in the #Feathered Friends community, and every time I say to myself that my bird photos have no place here. But you changed that all, my dearest friend @melinda010100. But do not worry, I will not inundate you with coins... only those with birds on them 😉😀😂!
Luv ya always, my friend @melinda010100 ❤️❤️❤️, and take care 🥰🌺🤙

Your posts are wonderful and I think other bird lovers will appreciate seeing your bird coins! I know I do!