A fun afternoon in search of a bird (Feathered Friends)

Me encanta esta ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨:  porque les puedo enseñar las aves que viven en mi ciudad, además, tengo que dar a conocer que me gusta mucho este ¨Show Me A Photo Contest¨:  porque me divierte mucho salir a buscar aves que se ajusten a la consigna del desafío de cada semana, la semana pasada fue uno de esos difíciles, por suerte lo puede cumplir, y la de esta fue muy entretenido buscarlos

Source: Family Álbum

I love this ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨:  because I can show you the birds that live in my city, also, I have to make it known that I really like this ¨Show Me A Photo Contest¨:  because I have a lot of fun going out to look for birds that fit the slogan of each week's challenge, the Last week was one of those difficult ones, luckily you can do it, and this one was very entertaining looking for them

Cuando vi cual era la consigna de esta semana del concurso, pedí a mi abuelo ir a buscar aves en el predio para fotografiar, aunque esto solo era una excusa para que el cumpla con su caminata diaria, ya que ahí no hay alambres o cables, Luis también dijo lo mismo, pero aun así me acompaño, la verdad hicimos algunas fotografías de aves, pero no cumplían con la consigna de la semana

Source: Family Álbum

When I saw what the slogan was for this week of the contest, I asked my grandfather to go look for birds on the property to photograph, although this was only an excuse for him to complete his daily walk , since there are no wires or cables there, Luis also said the same thing, but he still accompanied me, the truth is we took some photographs of birds, but they did not comply with the instruction of the week

Al regresar a nuestra casa pudimos ver muchas aves posando en los cables y postes de iluminación, nuestros vecinos tienen una propiedad alta y es allí donde las aves pasan gran parte del tiempo, pero algunas veces salen de su escondite y posan en los cables o las jirafas que iluminan las calles. Hicimos algunas fotografías con el teléfono ¨Motoe7plus¨ de mi abuela Gaby, pero como pueden ver, no tiene una buena cámara para hacer fotografías de aves que estén lejos, por suerte mi abuelo hizo muchas más fotografías de las que necesitaba y pude tomar algunas para completar mi publicación

Source: Family Álbum

Upon returning to our house we could see many birds perching on the cables and lighting poles, our neighbors have a high property and that is where the birds spend much of the time, but sometimes they come out from their hiding place and pose on the cables or the giraffes that illuminate the streets. We took some photographs with my grandmother Gaby's ¨Motoe7plus¨ phone, but as you can see, she does not have a good camera to take photographs of birds that are far away, luckily my grandfather took many more photographs than I needed and I was able to take some to complete my post

Lo que más me gusta de las fotografías que hacemos con la cámara de mi abuelo, es que se pueden ver muchos detalles de las aves aun estando lejos; si ven estas fotografías verán como el ¨gorrión¨:  nos está viendo, y no se pierde detalles de lo que hacemos, ver sus ojos y como nos ve, es realmente muy sorprendente

Source: Family Álbum

What I like most about the photographs we take with my grandfather's camera is that you can see many details of the birds even when they are far away; If you see these photographs you will see how the ¨sparrow¨:  is watching us, and not He misses details of what we do, seeing his eyes and how he sees us is really very surprising

Nos hemos dado cuenta es que las aves hembras son las más curiosas, los machos al parecer están más acostumbrados a nuestra presencia o son más confiados que ellas, eso se aprecia claramente en las tomas que hicimos con la cámara "nikoncoolpixb500" de mi abuelo. Me encanta este desafío de @nelinoeva me divierto mucho buscando las aves para cumplir con el reto de la semana, además, la paso muy bien en compañía de mis abuelos, esta ha sido una divertida tarde en busca de ave

Source: Family Álbum

We have realized that the female birds are the most curious, the males apparently are more accustomed to our presence or are more trusting than them, this is clearly seen in the shots we took with my grandfather's "nikoncoolpixb500" camera. I love this challenge from @nelinoeva, I have a lot of fun looking for birds to complete the challenge of the week, and I also had a great time in the company of my grandparents, this has been a fun afternoon looking for birds


Source: Family Álbum


It's true, these birds are really curious, it was great to see the bird's eyes while it saw us
I like your photographs that you chose for the contest

I was also impressed to see the bird's eyes looking at us, yes I love that photograph

Que hermosos @miprimerconcurso, super hermosas fotografías y aves. Me encantan!! La naturaleza es maravillosa!!! Que tengas una hermosa tarde!❤️

It's true, nature is wonderful, every day that passes I like it more
Thank you very much @ avdesing

A vos muchas gracias! ❤️

Whoa! These are a lot of feathered friends :) It must be fun seeing and photographing them. Birds are fascinating. It's nice to learn some differences between a male and a female bird. I didn't even know males are more trusting. Thanks for sharing :)

The one who knows about birds is my grandfather, and he knows how to identify the sparrows by the color of their feathers, and by identification, we could see that the male bird was more trusting, since he did not pay attention to us, while the female was pending on us all the time
Thank you very much @ifarmgirl

I am so happy you are becoming a true birdwatcher. 🙂
You granfather is doing fantastic job showing you the birds and making photos together.

I am also very happy to have my grandfather's company to learn from him, and he was also kind to give me some photographs.
Thank you very much @nelinoeva

Sparrows love to perch in most places, often telephone lines or electricity cables, great you found somewhere that still has wire for this little girl.


miprimerconcurso, joanstewart sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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Yes Lady @joanstewart it has been wonderful to see the sparrows perched on the cable, since they have more comfortable places to stand
Thank you so much

Good exercise for the feet sitting on variety of different widths of twigs or wires.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@joanstewart(3/10) tipped @miprimerconcurso