Birds vacationing on the city shore (Feathered Friends) [Esp/Eng].

Una vez más en esta hermosa ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨:  para participar de este maravilloso ¨Show Me A Photo Contest¨:  de la señora @nelinoeva, que esta semana ha tenido la genial idea al decidir que la consigna consistiría en obtener fotografías de aves en combinación con agua.

Source: Family Álbum

Once again in this beautiful ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨:  to participate in this wonderful ¨Show Me A Photo Contest¨:  by Mrs. @nelinoeva, who this week had the brilliant idea of deciding that the challenge would be to take photos of birds in combination with water.

Esta semana mis abuelos tenían planeado unas salidas en familia por la costa, lo que significaba que sería imposible que fuéramos a la reserva en busca de fotografías de aves, además, mi abuelo tenía razón al decir que los estanques del predio están secos

Source: Family Album

This week my grandparents had planned some family outings along the coast, which meant that it would be impossible for us to go to the reserve in search of bird photographs. Also, my grandfather was right when he said that the ponds on the property are dry.

Al llegar a la costa nos hemos sorprendido por la gran bajante que ha tenido el cauce del rio, ahora se podía ver playas de arenas en donde no hace mucho tiempo estaba todo cubierto de agua. Debo decir que no éramos los únicos sorprendidos, algunos curiosos ¨pirinchos¨:  caminaban por la playa explorando el lugar

Source: Family Álbum

When we reached the coast we were surprised by the large drop in the riverbed. Now we could see sandy beaches where not long ago everything was covered in water. I must say that we were not the only ones surprised, some curious people ¨pirinchos¨:  were walking along the beach exploring the place

Creo que fuimos muy bruscos al acercarnos a las aves, porque se vieron invadidas y levantaron vuelo, por suerte se posaron en unas ramas de unos árboles que no estaban lejos de allí. Costo mucho hacer una toma limpia y certera, pero después de varios intentos hemos logrado hacer ¨foco¨

Source: Family Álbum

I think we were too abrupt in approaching the birds, because they felt overwhelmed and took flight, luckily they landed on some branches of some trees that were not far from there. It was hard to get a clean and accurate shot, but after several attempts we managed to get it "focused"

Mientras estábamos entretenidos con la cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ de mi abuelo fotografiando a estas preciosas aves, oímos el tradicional canto del ¨zorzal¨:  que muy amablemente posaba sobre algunas piedras muy cerca de las aguas del rio, no creo que haga falta decir que no dudamos un segundo en hacer algunas fotografías de ellos

Source: Family Álbum

While we were entertained with my grandfather's "nikoncoolpixb500" camera photographing These beautiful birds, we heard the traditional song of the ¨zorzal¨:  that very kindly perched on some stones very close to the waters of the river, I don't think it's necessary to say that we didn't hesitate for a second to take some photographs of them


Source: Family Álbum


We enjoyed a beautiful day on the riverbank
The first photo of the pirinchos and the last shot are wonderful

It's true, we spent a lovely day on the coast, and we were able to photograph beautiful birds

Beautiful pictures 👍

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Hive Power Up Day - August 1st 2024

Many thanks @hivebuzz for appreciating my turn on

Namaste 🙏 my little friend 🤗, you have captured excellent photos 🤩

Thank you very much @idea-make-rich for appreciating my photographs

Wowww esa primera fotografía me impacto, esta genial, que aves más hermosas!! Me encantó y cada vez tu abuela está más práctica! Abrazo @miprimerconcurso 😃

la primera fotografia de los princhos esta genial, mi abuela hizo una preciosa fotografia
Muchas gracias @avdesing


Congratulations @miprimerconcurso! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day! This entitles you to a level 1 badge.
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Be ready for the August edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - August 1st 2024

Thank you very much @hivebuzz

Hive is buzzing with excitement for you, @miprimerconcurso! Congratulations on earning the Power Up badge!

The first photo is outstanding. Shame you can't use it as an entry photo.
Along the coast you cannot miss to spot any bird. Glad you took that trip and you manage shots to use for this round of the contest.

Good morning lady @nelinoeva
It was a beautiful walk where we were able to see some species of birds by the water
The first photograph is beautiful
Have a beautiful Sunday