Doing a special quest (Feathered Friends)

Una vez más en este increíble ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨:  para enseñarles algunas fotografías hermosas de aves que hemos hecho en unos de nuestros paseos por la costa de la ciudad. Me gusta mucho este ¨Show Me A Photo Contest¨:  por los desafíos que hay que cumplir para participar de las iniciativas, esta semana debemos dar con fotografías de aves junto a un tacho de residuos

Source: Family Álbum

Once again in this incredible ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨:  to show you some beautiful photographs of birds that we have taken on one of our walks along the coast of the city. I really like this ¨Show Me A Photo Contest¨:  Due to the challenges that must be met to participate in the initiatives, this week we must find photographs of birds next to a waste bin

Un excelente lugar para hacer una cacería de pájaros además de la reserva, es la costa de mi ciudad, allí las aves están acostumbradas a la presencia de las personas, además es mi lugar preferido para pasear. Mientras estábamos buscando aves para fotografiar vimos este hermoso ¨amigo emplumado¨:  que buscaba algo de comer. Cuando lo vimos supimos que era una oportunidad para atraerlo hacia nosotros; mi abuela aprovecho que estaba muy tranquilo comiendo las miguitas de pan que le daba para hacer estas tomas.

Source: Family Álbum

An excellent place to do a bird hunt in addition to the reserve, is the coast of my city, there the birds are accustomed to the presence of people, it is also my favorite place to walk . While we were looking for birds to photograph we saw this beautiful ¨feathered friend¨:  who was looking for something to eat. When we saw it we knew it was an opportunity to attract it to us; My grandmother took advantage of the fact that he was very calm eating the crumbs of bread that she gave him to take these shots.

Tratamos por todo los medido que el ¨gorrión¨ nos siguiera en dirección de los tachos de basura que hay en la plata pero fue imposible, solo volo unos metros y de ahí no se movió más, mientras les dábamos de comer al pequeño ave las palomas ¨mensajeras¨:  se acercaron a nosotros, al igual que el ave anterior les dimos algunas migas tratando de llevar en dirección a algunos de los tachos de residuos pero no fueron tan gentiles con nosotros en seguirnos

Source: Family Álbum

We tried as hard as possible to get the "sparrow" to follow us in the direction of the garbage cans on the street but it was impossible, it only flew a few meters and from there it didn't move any further, While we were feeding the little bird, the pigeons ¨mensajeras¨:  approached We, like the previous bird, gave them some crumbs trying to take them in the direction of some of the waste bins but they were not so kind to us in following us

No puedo creer que con tantos tachos de residuos de basura que hay en la playa ninguna ave se acercara para poder fotografiarlos juntos; aunque fue un poco frustrante, debo de admitir que nos divertimos mucho alimentando a las aves

Source: Family Álbum

I can't believe that with so many trash cans on the beach no bird came close to photograph them together; Although it was a little frustrating, I must admit that we had a lot of fun feeding the birds

Tengo que admitir que ha sido un gran desafío, fue casi imposible conseguir que las aves se posen cerca de los tachos, la verdad no las culpo, quien buscaría algo de comer en los residuos si hay tantas personas dando de comer a las aves. Aunque con la cámara "nikoncoolpixb500" de mi abuelo pudimos hacer dos tomas donde hay un tacho de residuos y un ave, una de ella las aves están lejos, y en la otra toma, el ave se aprecia bien, pero el tacho de residuos está un poco retirado. Espero que la imagen que escogimos para el concurso sea una toma valida

Source: Family Álbum

I have to admit that it has been a great challenge, it was almost impossible to get the birds to perch near the bins, I really don't blame them, who would look for something to eat in the waste if there is so many people feeding the birds. Although with my grandfather's "nikoncoolpixb500" camera we were able to take two shots where there is a waste bin and a bird, in one of them the birds are far away, and in the other shot, the bird can be seen well, but the waste bin is a little removed. I hope the image we chose for the contest is a valid shot


Source: Family Álbum


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thank you so much

That's great @miprimerconcurso! We're excited to see your commitment to Hive! Keep it up!

Me encantan las palomitas blancas, son adorables y en general todas las aves, son preciosas!! Gracias por traernos estas hermosas fotografías @miprimerconcurso ❤️

las palomas blancas son las que mas me gustan, pero no hay tantas de ellas, el lugar es preciosos y disfrutamos fotografiando estas aves
Muchas gracias @avdesing

Sigue disfrutando!! Abrazo!

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Hive Power Up Day - May 1st 2024

Thank you very much, it has been a great experience

Congratulations, @miprimerconcurso! You've proven yourself to be a true power player on Hive!

They are so cute! The photos you shared beautifully showcase the resilience and adaptability of these birds as they find their place in the urban environment. Thank you for shedding light on the symbiotic relationship between humans and our avian neighbors. Have a great day, @miprimerconcurso :)

Thank you very much @bloghound
It is wonderful to see how the birds live very close to us and have adapted very well.

You're always welcome, @miprimerconcurso :) Happy weekend!

This challenge was not easy, but what matters is that you had fun. 🙂
Always a pleasure to see your beautiful town through your photos.

Yes, the truth is that it has not been easy, but as you say, we have had a lot of fun trying to accomplish it.
Thank you very much @nelinoeva

@sagarkothari88 reward 0.05 HP

👍 sagarkothari88 👍 sent 0.050 HIVE to you @miprimerconcurso
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
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