We saw silhouettes of birds while walking through the reserve (Feathered Friends)

Que genial se siente volver a estar en esta hermosa ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨:  La semana anterior se complicaron un poco las cosas, y cuando pude se cumplía el tiempo para poder publicar, es la razón de que no hayan visto mi post. Me gustó mucho la consigna que escogió la señora @nelinoeva para esta semana, te invito a ingresar en el siguiente link para conocer de que se trata ¨Show Me A Photo Contest¨: 

Source: Family Álbum

How great it feels to be back in this beautiful ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨:  The previous week things got a little complicated, and when I could, the time to publish was up, which is the reason why you haven't seen my post. I really liked the slogan that Mrs. @nelinoeva chose for this week, I invite you to enter the following link to find out what it is about ¨Show Me A Photo Contest¨: 

Ha estado haciendo mucho frio en mi ciudad, por suerte al ¨salir¨ el ¨sol¨ calienta un poco y se pone muy agradable para caminar, sobre todo cuando el lugar donde caminas está rodeado del verdor de la naturaleza, y puedes disfrutar de la compañía de las aves que ves al momento de caminar por el bosque

Source: Family Album

It has been very cold in my city, luckily when you "come out" the "sun" warms up a little and it becomes very pleasant to walk, especially when the place where you walk is surrounded by the greenery of nature, and you can enjoy the company of the birds that you see when walking through the forest

Por lo visto las aves estaban muy felices con la presencia del sol, ellas estaban posando sobre las ramas ¨acicalando¨ sus ¨plumas¨, salvo el ¨zorzal¨:  que se encondía entre las hierbas; este tipo de aves es muy común verlos caminar en suelo, y cuando notan la presencia de las personas se esconden entre el verdor del pasto dejando ver solo su ¨silueta¨

Source: Family Álbum

Apparently the birds were very happy with the presence of the sun, they were posing on the branches "preening" their "feathers", except for the ¨zorzal¨:  that hid among the grasses; This type of bird is very common to see walking on the ground, and when they notice the presence of people they hide among the greenery of the grass, leaving only their "silhouette" to be seen

Lo mismo sucedió con el ¨tordo¨:  al vernos escondió su cabeza entre sus plumas e hizo como si se las acomodaba, y aunque esperamos por varios minutos para hacer las fotografías, el ave en ningún momento dejo de ¨acicalarse¨ para que lo pudiéramos fotografiar, lo cual estuvo genial, ya que esta semana necesitábamos hacer fotografías de ¨siluetas¨ de ¨aves¨

Source: Family Álbum

The same thing happened with the ¨tordo¨:  when he saw us, he hid his head between his feathers and acted as if he were adjusting them, and although we waited for several minutes to take the photographs, the bird never stopped "preening" so that we could photograph it, which was great, since this week we needed to take photographs of “silhouettes” of “birds”

Esta ha sido otra hermosa caminata por la reserva en compañía de mis abuelos, aprovechamos que la ¨diabetóloga¨ recomendó a mi abuelo caminar más, para visitar este predio hermoso lleno de naturaleza y hermosas especies de aves. Las fotografías las hizo mi abuela con una cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨

Source: Family Álbum

This has been another beautiful walk through the reserve in the company of my grandparents, we took advantage of the fact that the "diabetologist" recommended my grandfather to walk more, to visit this beautiful property full of nature and beautiful species of birds. The photographs were taken by my grandmother with a ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ camera


Source: Family Álbum


I love these photographs of bird silhouettes, your grandmother takes beautiful photographs. I loved the shot of the thrush

My grandmother Gaby has a lot of patience when photographing birds, and she does take beautiful shots.

Que bello el tordo y que fotografías más bonitas!! Un buen lugar para encontrar aves muy hermosas!! Gracias @miprimerconcurso 💗

El predio es hermoso, pero no siempre podemos hacer fotografias de aves, alli las aves son desconfiadas de las personas
Gracias a ti @avdesing

Bueno... poco a poco, no faltará oportunidad!

You captured some nice birds for the contest this week. ❤️

hello lady @sunscape good morning
yes we have found beautiful birds
Thank you so much

So nice to observe all birds around you and learn about their behavior.
Lovely shots of the silhouettes, entry photo is spot on.

Hello lady @nelinoeva good morning
The truth is I'm having fun and learning a lot about birds
Thank you very much for your kind words

Fun being outdoors at this time of year, cooler weather to take you further seeing more birds sunning themselves especially early mornings and late afternoon. Capture with stunning red flower a gorgeous entry once again.