Heron eating snails

in Feathered Friends7 months ago (edited)



It's still too hot in the city but I tried to get out early in the morning to take some pictures and videos, and today I want to share with you a little bit of it. On this occasion I found a heron that I have not identified, but it was so focused on feeding that it forgot about me, ignored me completely and let me get close enough to take the picture and video, which I hope you enjoy.

Unfortunately I didn't have the zoom lens with me to make a better video, and I didn't have the tripod to have a more stable shot, besides the sunlight was against me and I couldn't get something better, even so I think it was a good experience that relaxed me and filled me with satisfaction for the simple fact of having contact with nature.

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Interesting looking heron. Its beak seems perfectly adapted for snails.

We have the blue ones around these parts

Nice obsevation.
Should be this one https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/7-Aramus-guarauna
not a heron.

Myself I have made some observations on my holidays in Brazil.