Winners Of Show Me A Photo Contest Round 152 in Feathered Friends Community

in Feathered Friends4 months ago

Hello Feathered Friends Lovers,

Another week is over and it is time to announce the winners of Round 152 of #SMaP (Show Me a Photo) Contest in Feathered Friends Community

Photo edits can be fun. One photo can become a different masterpiece. I am not a painter, but I can transform my photos and make them look like I have draw or paint them. Sometimes they can be surreal or just enhanced, so many options to play with. All I need is time and desire to explore and try different ways of creating something new. That is why I was also curious what you will show me and how you will edit your bird photos. The results were amazing and very creative.

And now, the winners, but first let us see the collage of their photos.


And the winners of round 152 are:

in no particular order



Feathered Friends – Winter Season


Feathered Friends/Show Me A Picture of a Bird Contest Round 152 - Theme - Edits


SMAP Contest Round 152 makeover


wirehaired crow


Entry For Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 152

Each winner will receive 2 Hive. Another generous donation from @barbara-orenya with Ecency points increased the reward pool and the winners will receive 500 Points each.

Check your wallet as well.

And there is more -the winners will receive 0,05 HP from our sponsor @sagarkothari88

Congratulations and hope to see your entries again.

I invite you to check the blogs of our sponsors and show them some love!

👇 Don't forget to check this week's theme👇


As usual any suggestions for next themes are always welcome.

All comments written on Feathered Friends, Shadow Hunters, Feel Good and Ladies of Hive Community posts receive staked ARCHON tokens.


banner created by @barbara-orenya

Thank you for viewing.

If you like to share your thoughts you can leave a comment.



Congratulations to the winners: @ellenripley, @hindavi, @corvidae and @jishan5.
I want to thank the organizers and sponsors @melinda010100, @nelinoeva, @barbara-orenya and @sagarkothari88 for your hard work and dedication. All the best.
Thank you so much, @nelinoeva, for choosing my photo.

You are most welcome!
Thank you so much for your kind words.♥️

Thank you very much @nelinoeva. for choosing my post in the winners list I appreciate it.
congratulations to all winners and thanks to all the sponsors :)

You are so welcome!🙂

Thank you very much. It was really fun to do. 🙂🥰

Most welcome! 🙂
It was very original.

I loved this week's selection, my congratulations to all the winners
I wish you all a prosperous week

We have always so wonderful entries that make my job of choosing the winners hard. 🙂

Thanks so much!!

You are most welcome!🙂


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