Winners Of Show Me A Photo Contest Round 160 in Feathered Friends Community

in Feathered Friends4 months ago

Hello Feathered Friends Lovers,

Another week is over and it is time to announce the winners of Round 160 of #SMaP (Show Me a Photo) Contest in Feathered Friends Community

This round we paid tribute to the beautiful part in the avian world. Males are undoubtedly more colourful, more attractive. At the same time we also know that some species do not differ much and males are similar as the females. Altogether, the prompt was to show me male bird of any kind. And you did it brilliantly.

Reminder for the new members. Please read the rules before posting and remember, use only your own photos.

And now, the winners, but first let us see the collage of their photos.


And the winners of round 160 are:

in no particular order



Male power


Black Is Blue Gold To Go Male Swagger


A Typical Seagull of the City / Show Me A Photo Contest Round 160


Are males better than females ? YES !!! 😎😀


SMAP Contest Round 160

Each winner will receive 2 Hive. Another generous donation from @barbara-orenya with Ecency points increased the reward pool and the winners will receive 600 Points each.

Check your wallet as well.

And there is more -the winners will receive 0,05 HP from our sponsor @sagarkothari88

Congratulations and hope to see your entries again.

I invite you to check the blogs of our sponsors and show them some love!

👇 Don't forget to check this week's theme👇


As usual any suggestions for next themes are always welcome.

All comments written on Feathered Friends, Shadow Hunters, Feel Good and Ladies of Hive Community posts receive staked ARCHON tokens.


banner created by @barbara-orenya

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Thanks for super fun round of males, now to get down to the females Neli.


It was fun and I enjoyed a lot the posts.

nelinoeva, joanstewart sent you LUV. 🙂 (5/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Congratulations to the winners.

Congratulations to the other winners! Off to the female posts! 😁

Congratulations! 🙂
I am curious about your next entry.

Let's see if I can dig up decent photos of the female counterparts. 😉

I am sure you will. 🙂

Nices birds shots on this selection @nelinoeva friend!!!

!discovery shots

Thank you so much for your support! 🙂

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Wow, all the photos are incredibly beautiful.👏👏 No bird ever poses for me like this.😅
Congratulations to all the winners!

You have to try, sometimes the birds can be cooperative. 🙂😉

Beautiful birds in this selection! Congratulations to all the winners and thank you very much Neli for the mention. 🌼

You are most welcome!
Your gentleman is awesome. 😉

Thanks! 😁


This is so cool.

This image is perfect as an entry to the new round of the contest. 😂😂😂😂.

I really love it.

How are you dear friend @nelinoeva good afternoon
What a beautiful week, they have presented beautiful photographs of male specimens worth seeing
Congratulations to everyone who participated, especially the winners.
I wish you all a splendid afternoon

Thank you very much, @jlufer🙂

Beautiful male specimens. Wonderful photographs 😘

Excelente selección, están hermosos todas estas aves machos.

Thank you @nelinoeva and the feathered friend community has chosen my post to the winners list.
Congratulations to all the winners.:)

You are most welcome!

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Congratulations to all the winners. Nice work.

Congratulations to this week's winners.