Seagulls — Gaviotas (En/Es)

in Feathered Friendslast month



In this post, I share another group of photos of seagulls standing on the rocks or swimming on the surface of the sea. In some images, we can also see some cormorants.
These photos were taken in Antofagasta (Chile) using the camera of a Samsung Galaxy s22 Ultra, with the zoom lens of 10x. The images were post-processed in Gimp.


En esta ocasión les traigo otro grupo de fotos de gaviotas posando en las rocas o nadando sobre la superficie del mar. En algunas de las imágenes también se observan cormoranes.
Las fotografías fueron tomadas en Antofagasta usando la cámara de un Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra, con el teleobjetivo de 10x. La edición se efectuó en Gimp.


The photo of this post is my entry in the ”Feathered Friends — Show Me a Photo Contest Round ( #smap) 205” organized by @nelinoeva, this week theme is free .

The rules of the contest can be read here.

Con esta foto estoy participando en el concurso fotográfico ”Feathered Friends — Show Me a Photo Contest Round 205” organizado por @nelinoeva, el tema de esta semana es libre.

Los reglas del concurso se encuentran en este enlace.


Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope that you enjoyed the post.
Gracias por pasearse por mi blog y espero que el post haya sido de su agrado.

Images by @nenio — All rights reserved


You have them nicely captured. The cormorants and seagulls seem to get along together well.

Indeed, the cormorants and seagulls usually are together.
Thank you

The birds are enjoying the beauty of the surrounding nature, they look very happy. you snapped it at the right time.