Larks on a forest path

in Feathered Friends3 years ago


Yesterday evening I was walking out of the forest and almost reached the edge of the forest. It was already dark and I did not expect to meet anyone. On a nearby forest path, I saw small birds sitting on the ground.
From a distance I mistook them for sparrows. But when I came closer I saw that they were larks. It's amazing where they came from. I have never seen them in these places before.
Although it was already quite dark, I decided to try to photograph them.
There was a whole small flock of them, about 8-10 birds. They sat on the ground and bush branches.
They were looking for food on the ground.
Unfortunately, two passers-by were passing by and they scared them away.







Да как вы их вообще увидели? Они же натурально сливаются с землей!

Дело было уже вечером, темнело. Шёл по этой дороге и поэтому их усидел. Жаворонки хитрые, знали, что дорога их хорошо маскирует.