Dip dippidy dip

in Feathered Friends5 months ago

This week's SMAP is free, so this is a perfect opportunity to show you what was probably my favourite observation in my last vacations.


Awesome scenery, isn't it? And you're wondering... what has he been smokin? There are no birds here!. And yet, this is where I've found him.

"Him" is a species I've only encountered 2 more times in all my birdwatching sessions, and actually the last time was here! That's why, as I got close to this little river, I took a closer look; not only because the place is beautiful, but also to see what could be lurking around. And...


Could it be??


White throated dipper - Cinclus cinclus

Yess! A dipper!!

This species is just amazing. A small passerine, swimming around like a duck. I felt blessed to find it, let alone photograph it. And truth is, this was probably the only decentish I was able to take; but considering he was way far, in a place with low light, among the trees, in a very clouded day, and me with a bridge camera... I consider it a win!



I've tried a ton of photos, with more zoom, less zoom, while he was hoping on the rocks, looking at the water. I saw him plunge, disappear in the cold waters, just to return again after some brief moments.


The species is basically unmistakable! Just by the colours alone they're easy to identify: brownish with a huge white breast, and a short tail. And if any doubt still exists, there are no other passerines swimming and diving in rivers, at least in Portugal. It is fascinating to see him in and out of the water with such ease; and trust me, the water was freaking cold!


I was still able to capture a blurred photo as he swam an jumped to the nearby rock, before disappearing again, this time for good. These minutes were worth gold! Too bad the photos weren't sharp enough for my liking... but who knows, maybe he will be there waiting for me next time I visit, hopefully in a sunny day! :)


Hive divider by doze.gif

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Great capture and great story. One of the joys of bird watching or nature watching in general is finding spots like this. Spots that stay in your mind and hold special feelings/memories. There are places I haven't visited in years that I can still remember and call up in my mind like I am there.

Absolutely; this place is already special to me, since a good part of my youth vacations were spent here. Adding birdwatching and rare species to it is just another layer of awesomeness! ;) Cheers! !BEER

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Mais um para a lista dos que eu não posso nunca confundir... Acho que nunca vi um destes ao vivo! Bem apanhado!

Este não há como confundir! São pássaros de montanha, acho que não se dão em altitudes baixinhas (mas posso estar enganado); e um passeriforme a nadar não engana.

Fascinating small bird that loves the water, always difficult to capture when at a distance.

Hoping for better light conditions next time I meet him! Just being able to watch him is already a joy, though.

Most probably uses the same area for feeding, looks a great little bird.

Yeah, I think so too. And they're a resident species, if I'm not mistaken, so around all year long.

Knowing where they are might be interesting to go back, get comfortable, find a great point for sightings on the water.

That's the plan! ;)

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you @ewkaw and @qurator!

Oh, what a find! 🙂 I have never seen the white throated dipper, but I lnow there is some in Bulgaria too. It must have been really a delight to watch him diving.

If I recall correctly, they are more often found in high mountain. This place is at the base of the highest mountain in continental Portugal. Do hope to see him again here! :)

I never knew there was a kind of specie called dipper
Seem weird to me, lol
Thanks for sharing

My pleasure.