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RE: How to thread in Leo Finace

in Feathered Friendslast year

I had no idea you could open browser windows in the Hivechain app, that is a game changer!! Been busy these last few days (if you read my last post you'll see why), but will be exploring a lot more from now on, will hope to join threads AND will try to finally onboard some friends to the community, thanks to the short-content form. Thanks for the very informative post! !LUV


It is very useful feature with the browser. Still exploring how to upload photos there.

Oh, I saw your new toy, it must be a thrill to play with it. 🙂

Still find it confusing to navigate, but will take another decent look at it for sure!

And yes, new toy is awesome! Maybe now I'll finally sort all those photos in my archives! !LUV