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RE: Let Our Picture Tell Your Story - Edition 51

in Feathered Friendslast month (edited)

Beautiful publications by @qwerrie @papilloncharity and @umirais.

This is my story inspired by the beautiful photographs of @umirais

The sparrow in love


The rose is always admired, and this was no exception. The sparrow was enraptured by its beauty. The delicate pink petals and their sweet scent had made him lose his mind. So much so that everything around him had ceased to matter, even the sparrow that was waiting for him in the tree, very sad and disconsolate.

Since the first rays of sunlight broke through the clouds and reached the earth to illuminate the life of everything that lives on it, the sparrow would preen its feathers very early in the morning, clean its beak and feet, and quickly fly to the wall to meet its love.

There, he spent the rest of the day. He never tired of gazing at the rose, even when she indifferently did not respond to his admiration. But the sparrow didn't care.

Love, when it is pure, does not need to be reciprocated. I am happy to accompany her.

And when the rose needed him, he was there to help her, like when some very small insects like black dots attacked her, and he gently removed them one by one so as not to hurt her. Or the time he protected her from the strong breeze that was blowing.

But one day, when he returned very early to the side of his beloved rose, he saw it very sad, and its beautiful petals had lost their shine and were falling on the wall.

What is the matter with you? What can I do to help you?

And for the first time, he heard her tender and sweet voice.

My life is coming to an end, and there is nothing you can do about it. But you have made me very happy with your love. Although she didn't tell you, she was silently grateful.

I don't want to lose you, and tears rolled down the feathers of her sad little face.

Don't be sad; it's the law of life, and you have so much life and love to give.

The last petals of the rose fell on the wall, and there the sparrow remained for days under the inclement sun and rain, until the sparrow of brown and gray colors landed by his side to accompany him in his pain.

The sparrow not only learned that love is unconditional, tender, sublime and painful, but also that it is inexhaustible.

The sparrow couple was happily gathering twigs and leaves to make a nest for their offspring. A new learning of love.

Thank you for reading ⚘ and invited @jjmusa2004 and @actioncats to write a story



Oh that was gorgeous!

Such a bittersweet story, I loved it!

I am really impressed and I hope that you win too!

Thank you very much @chocolatescorpi
You are very kind, I'm glad you liked it 🌻