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RE: more birding walks. May biodivercity -- 15 foto .:. EN/RU

in Feathered Friends2 years ago

it would have been not chaotic, but disastrous. she has a very, very convincing beak, and the temper is not as soft as one may think :=)
and ofc she was happy -- because she got 4 kidz, four chicks have hatched from her nest, and although the photos didnt turn out very well, still -- I have something to show. next time! do not diverge too far away :))


Okay, but for me I think the photos were beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

next time! do not diverge too far away :

I'm trying to understand this part, please can you explain more, I'd really appreciate it.

in other words: check the part two that will follow soon, there will be photos of coot duck chicks there 👍