Birdwatching - 1781 🐦

in Feathered Friends7 months ago

🦉 The willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)

  • Phylloscopus Greek: phyllon foliage, skopos seeker, observer
  • trochilus trokhilos (Greek) is a small bird mentioned by Aristotle, later identified as "wren", but in Aldrovandus (1599) it is "a kinglet without a tuft"; trokhalos, trokhiscus (Greek) round, oval, curved, spherical; trochilus (lat.) semicircular, curved

These unremarkable birds arrive in early May, after their close relatives - the chiffchaff. Males occupy territories and begin to sing. Their songs are melodic, consist of whistles, and the motif is similar to the songs of chaffinches and redstarts.

And one spring day I saw this bird catch its lunch, it was some kind of moth or something like that. The bird was furiously tugging at the insect to kill it, and some specks of dust were flying to the sides.

Nikon D5200Tamron SP AF 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD

Wow, the first picture is great!