Graceful yellow bird

in Feathered Friends4 years ago

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The western yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava)

Outside the city, literally a few kilometers away is an area filled with meadows. And in these meadows, from the beginning of May, you can easily find these birds. These are one of the most numerous birds in this place. They are not too afraid of people, and unlike the rest of the inhabitants of these meadows, they allow you to get closer to them. These wagtails feed on the ground, looking for various insects in the grass and thickets, but because of the plants it is difficult to see it.
In summer, when they already have nestlings, they will fly around you and inform other birds about you.
In this video, the male, the female looks faded, the young adolescent birds look the same, and the very young nestlings are practically indistinguishable from the young white wagtails.


Интересная трясогузка. Совсем не похожа на наших, которые часто встречаются на окраине города.

Such lovely meadow birds! Thanks for posting to #featheredfriends!

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