Wildlife : Birdwatching - 1034 🐦

in Feathered Friends3 years ago


🦉 The azure tit (Cyanistes cyanus)

📚 Cyanistes kyaneos (Greek), cyaneus (Latin) dark blue
      cyanus Greek: kyanos dark blue


Oh, I did a bird tour yesterday, it was not bad, I think tomorrow I will make a post,.
Every year I meet these birds in flooded meadows. But this year, unfortunately, they were not. It is sad. But you can understand that these birds are quite rare in themselves, and in some regions they are protected and listed in the Red Book.
Then in 2019 I met about 4 of these birds. They jumped over the bushes and ate the buds.




Wow😍 what am I not seeing 🙋
Such and amazing post

Oh these azure tits are very beautiful birds. their white color is so nice. Unfortunately I never saw it around here.